Wednesday, March 31, 2010

sustain to survive...

29th march....thats when SYMBIOT took off!!!! days filled with various events and informals...
i participated in an event called bio-business..we were given a biological entity and were supposed to make it's model...had wored with thermocol,colors etc aftr a long time..those two hours of hard word and all the creativity we could come up with,were the best part abt the event...even though v couldnt get thru for the 2nd round v had fun unlimited!!!!!
catch ya soon...
peace out!

ps: pix comming up soon!

Tuesday, March 23, 2010


You think u have a little donald trump in u then this event is for you!!!
BIOBUSINESS is a two phase event where one's creativity and business skills are tested...make a model of the given biological entity in the 1st phase and make a commercial product based on it with a ppt presentation to sell it in the 2nd phase...
so if u think u've got it then flaunt it!!!!

Why dont u just "google it up"?

"Googling it up" is one of the most common activity to feeds one's inquisitive nature....well here's wat u need if u r an "GOOGLE ADDICT"....or maybe even if not...
"GOOGLE IT UP" is one of the upcomming events under SYMBIOT where one needs to qualify through the prelims and to on to the next round where the search engines are used to find an environmental issue based on the picture clues...ones deduced one needs to find a suitable solution 2 it...
so wat u guys waiting for..??? get googeling up!!!!

Monday, March 22, 2010

Roll with it...

This evening I was at K.C.(kamat of the most happening places in MIT...) where i found these bunch of people shooting some video clipings..on further "investigation" I found that they were makeing this movie for an event under SYMBIOT called "DOCUMENTRY"...just wat i needed!!!!
an all time fav among movie bugs like me!!!!!!!
under this event one needs to make a movie based on one of the topics given according to the format stated on the website....
cant wait to see what all people can come up with!!!!
till then adios!!!

Symbiot's almost here....!!!!

posters are up....banners r hung n everyone's(IEBT seniors) been juggling their sleep and's happening..!!!
The events i've heard about sounds really interesting..
We have something called "SHUTTERBUGS" or should i say "Shutter-bugs"
Shutterbugs' a photography event where one has to highligth the mother nature through their photograths..
This and a lot more comming up soon.....
stay tuned!!!
gunnyt...have fun...
*peace out*

Saturday, March 6, 2010

into the wilderness,GOO IEBT!!!! ;D

Apologies for the hiatus, been very busy lately. Well let me pick up from where i left last time. The most awaited fun trip into the wilderness,IEBT TRIP TO NAGARHOLE took place Have to say, IT WAS ONE OF THE MOST MEMORABLE college trips. The trip got us 1st years closer to r seniors. The best part about the trip was the journey. The trip was a complete package of adventure and fun. Trekking our way through a river to a little island, watching elephants getting trained...randomly being followed by cute little monkeys....feeding the deers ...crossing a hanging bridge are just a few to mention!!!! Will attach few pictures to illustrate!!!!

Right now working for our(IEBT’s ie) technical fest called SYMBIOT starting on 29th march.

Will be back with more updates soon....

Sunday, February 7, 2010

The first dew of spring: IEBT CALLING......Chapter 1:

“Excuse me sir, may i come in?” enters in a room filled with seniors, takes the empty seat at the corner and notices everyone present in the room. Wow, the bhaia with the French beard looks scary! This is was my first general body meeting of IEBT. God! Every1 looks so matured and works like a pro here! The bhaia with the French beard is asking us for ideas regarding the jobs related to a trip, going to be organised by IEBT! Terms like “publicity”..... “Sponsorship”....was always heard on tv relating to some movie project or the launch of a huge product in the market! I mean i can’t bargain with any shopkeeper for nuts how do they manage to get such huge sum of money from them???When ideas were asked regarding the publicity someone said “FACEBOOK”....WOW! We couldn’t get any cooler than this!!! IEBT will be organising it’s technical fest named “symbiot” sometime in march and before that we will be conducting a “pre-symbiot” fest where we would have one “non-technical” event and one “technical” event. Again, the bhaia with the French beard asks for “innovative” ideas. Mukta ma’am comes up with an event where one would have 2 recycle the goods by making a working model or something! Bravo! My brain starts racing at an astonishing know “life is a race and if u don’t run fast you will be like a broken unda”!!
The first thing that came up in my head was “gaming”....the best way of attracting students towards our fest! Create our own server and have a online “W.O.W” gaming competition! This could come under the “non-technical” event and when i heard the word “sponsorship” somehow McDonald’s popped up in my head. Though this could be a sign from my roaring stomach that it was hungry.
No, but seriously if we somehow go 2 Mangalore and get McDonald’s and KFC to sponsor us our fest could be the biggest attraction of the town and imagine the huge outbust of manipal kids hungry for a zinger burger.....IT’S MAGNIFICIENT!!!!!!
All this going on in one end of my head while the other end says “man!!! I m working with a real working committee, conducting trips ,national level fests, managing accounts n what not! I feel like such a KID beside them!!!!!” admist of all this kritika ma’am calmly comes up 2 us n asks “haan toh how much do u know about symbiot?” And we managed the instant answer “NOTHING” ... she briefly explains the fest and puts us on the sponsorship team. We will be working under our seniors, handling small dealings. The meeting ends and now begins the making of life size project!!!! Waiting for my first endeavour.....
To be continued........