Saturday, March 6, 2010

into the wilderness,GOO IEBT!!!! ;D

Apologies for the hiatus, been very busy lately. Well let me pick up from where i left last time. The most awaited fun trip into the wilderness,IEBT TRIP TO NAGARHOLE took place Have to say, IT WAS ONE OF THE MOST MEMORABLE college trips. The trip got us 1st years closer to r seniors. The best part about the trip was the journey. The trip was a complete package of adventure and fun. Trekking our way through a river to a little island, watching elephants getting trained...randomly being followed by cute little monkeys....feeding the deers ...crossing a hanging bridge are just a few to mention!!!! Will attach few pictures to illustrate!!!!

Right now working for our(IEBT’s ie) technical fest called SYMBIOT starting on 29th march.

Will be back with more updates soon....

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